As a scholarship Participant (“Participant”) in the Entrepreneur Sales Strategy Program (“Program”) produced by Petite2Queen LLC (“Producer”), I consent to the audio and video recording of my voice, name, and image as part of my participation of the program.
Services Exchanged
The Entrepreneur Sales Strategy Program
- Program sessions are three times a week from March 14 to June 10, 2022. There are no sessions the week of April 4th.
- Sales Strategy Sessions – 90 minutes: 50 minutes of instruction, balance Q&A
- Strategic Planning Sessions – 90 minutes of exercise review and one-on-one coaching in group setting
- Strategy Review Sessions – 90 minutes of one-on-one coaching in group setting
Entrepreneur Sales Strategy Program Materials
- Presentation Tutorials
- Audio/Video Recording of Sessions
- Transcripts of Sessions
- Exercises
- Digital Workbooks and Guides
- Resources – Articles, Podcasts, Webinars, and Tools
- Every month, there are multiple opportunities to be mentored by the Program team.
- Every month, there are multiple opportunities to work with the Program team to create your sales strategy road map, complete strategic exercises, and learn how to optimize tools and processes.
Referrals and Testimonials
- Upon the Producer earning the right for a referral and testimonial from the Participant, the Participant will perform the following:
- Provide Written Review on Producer Google My Business Page
- Provide Written Review on Producer Facebook Page
- Provide Written Review on Producer LinkedIn Page
- Provide Written Review on Lynn Whitbeck’s LinkedIn Page
- Record a Video Testimonial with Producer
Producer Podcasts Review
- Participant will write a review for the Producer’s two podcasts, Claim Your Career Crown and Future Forward Sales.
Producer Social Media – Participant Engagement
- Participant to Follow Producer on the Participant’s Preferred Platform; Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Spotify, Twitter, and/or YouTube
- Participant to Like, Comment, and Share Producer’s Posts Weekly on the Participant’s Preferred Platform; Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, or YouTube
- Participant to Post Weekly on the Participant’s Preferred Platform, and Tag Producer (@Petite2Queen), about what they have learned or gained from the Program
Producer Website – Participant Engagement
- Participant to Like, Comment, and Share Producer’s Website Content Weekly on the Participant’s Preferred Platform; Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or Twitter
Participant further acknowledge and agree that:
Compensation. Participant will receive no monetary compensation for their appearance. The consideration the Participant receives for executing this release shall be the benefits received as participant of the Program.
Ownership of Work Product. Producer agrees that all work product developed by them alone or in conjunction with others in connection with the performance of services pursuant to this Agreement is and shall be the sole property of Participant, and Producer shall retain no ownership, interest, or rights therein. Work product includes but is not limited to content, memoranda, elevator pitch, and taglines.
Sharing of Results. Participant agrees to full and transparent reporting of results of feedback calls, sales calls, client sales (including amounts paid) for any elements relating to this Program, in any form reasonably requested from time to time by the Producer. They also agree to having their successes used in testimonials and success stories by the Producer and their marketing team from time to time.
License to Publish. Participant grants the Publisher a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, worldwide license to publish Participants appearance, including any information and content provided (“Material”), by Producer in audio, video, graphic image, or text form within Producer’s secure learning portals.
Derivatives. The Producer has the right to edit the Recordings and produce derivatives from the Recording (“Derivatives”), and publish, and distribute the Derivatives in within Producer’s secure learning portals.
Confidentiality. Confidential Information (“Confidential Information”) as used in this Agreement shall mean any and all technical and non-technical information including patent, copyright, trade secret, proprietary information, computer files, and Participant information related to the past, current, future, and proposed services of Participant and includes, without limitation, Participant property, and Participant s information concerning customers, research, financial information, purchasing, business forecasts, sales and merchandising, and marketing plans, and information.
Furthermore, “Confidential Information” means any proprietary information (including, without limitation, all proprietary information which relates to Producer’s business, technology, products, services, materials, research, trade secrets, know-how, formulas, processes, ideas, and inventions) that is disclosed by Producer to the Participant, including orally disclosed information in the Program.
Intellectual Property. The Program contains materials that may be protected by United States and international copyright, trademark, and other proprietary information, including, but not limited to, audio, video, graphic, photographic and text information, and all Petite2Queen (“Producer”) Content. Producer and any of its licensors exclusively own all right, title and interest in, and to the Program and Producer Content, including all associated intellectual property rights. You acknowledge that the Program and Producer Content are protected by copyright, trademark, and other laws of the United States and foreign countries. Further, you may not modify, distribute, publish, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, participate in the transfer or sale, create derivative works of, or in any way exploit any of the Producer Content, in whole or in part.
This Scholarship Program Exchange Agreement expresses the complete understanding of the parties.