How to Stay Positive and Keep Business on Track in 2020

How to Stay Positive and Keep Business on Track in 2020

Probably all of us can agree that 2020 has been an unpredictable and turbulent year. It’s also no secret that countless businesses and workers have been affected by COVID-19, whether that’s meant putting in new safety measures for onsite work, transitioning to a work-from-home position, or losing jobs and even going out of business. It’s an incredibly tough time. How …

Workload Depression

How to Deal with Workload Depression: Helpful Tips

What is workload depression? Workload depression is characterized by feelings of hopelessness and sadness; it causes life’s typical struggles to feel overwhelming by fundamentally changing your way of thinking toward the negative. People often feel physically weak, lose their ability to work and concentrate, and have difficulty eating and sleeping properly and carrying on living a healthy life. As indicated …

How to Attract More Woman Business Owners

How to Attract More Woman Business Owners

I work for our city business development commission. What advice would you give to a city looking to attract more woman business owners?  – Maggie in Big Bear Lake, California Answer: Female business ownership is an important component of working towards gender equality. Owning a business is a huge investment and opportunity for financial growth, but only 36 percent of …

How 3 Practical Skills Unlock New Opportunities

How 3 Practical Skills Unlock New Opportunities

Every day we wonder, what’s coming next? What’s on the other side of the tremendous disruption from the Coronavirus pandemic? How will we navigate the new normal? What practical skills will help us do so? Working moms are unsung heroes. We support our families, friends, and co-workers while grappling with unknowns. We can never lose sight that we have the …

How to Develop a Winning Freelancing Career

How to Develop a Winning Freelancing Career

Have you ever thought freelancing might be the right career path for you? How do you go about it and find success? We at Petite2Queen had the pleasure of speaking with Gertrude Nonterah all about what it takes to be a successful freelancer. A freelancer herself, Gertrude – Gee for short – hosts the Create & Prosper podcast, published a …

How to Upgrade Your Mindset and Transform Belief into Success

How to Upgrade Your Mindset and Transform Belief into Success

Believe it or not, a lot of our professional success comes from our own business mindset. Sometimes we hold ourselves back or don’t position ourselves for career growth. But it doesn’t have to stay that way. What if we could change that negative mindset to one, instead, of success? We recently spoke with author and podcaster Holly Worton about how …

Grad School

To Grad or Not to Grad? Is Advanced Education Right for You?

Should you go to grad school? Pursuing your dream job is a journey of constant opportunities. Careers follow myriad paths, and you will have many forks in the road where you will have to choose which direction to go. One of these forks may be the decision of whether you should get/keep a job, or you pursue a graduate degree. …

Energized Presentation

Want to Be Remembered? The Key is Energized Presentation

People in business attend hundreds of presentations throughout their careers, so how are you going to make yours stand out? The key to making an impactful, memorable presentation is to be high-energy and engaging. An energized presentation starts with you: Your enthusiasm, passion, and inspirational vision will resonate with your audience. By infusing genuine energy throughout your presentation, you create …

How to Propel Your Leadership Skills to the Next Level

How to Propel Your Leadership Skills to the Next Level

Earning role of leadership in your career is a goal many of us have, and rising up in your organization can be a source of great pride. But what if your promotion to a more influential position has you feeling nervous and underqualified? What if you feel that you lack management skills? Don’t worry! We spoke with leadership coach Grace …

How to Transcend Your Circumstances and Attain Success -- Lisa Fabrega

How to Transcend Your Circumstances and Attain Success

If you’re like us, you aim for success in your career. But your journey may come with a variety of roadblocks and setbacks, and it can be hard to transcend your circumstances and achieve your goals. If you’re struggling on your way to the top, you’re not alone. We spoke with Lisa Fabrega, a leadership coach who has worked with …

Get Into Your Best Workflow with This Productivity Playlist

Get into Your Best Workflow with This Productivity Playlist

With the Coronavirus pandemic keeping people at home and away from others, many of us are working from home now, some for the first time in our lives. It certainly takes some getting used to, and staying focused can be particularly tricky. We’ve been there, and we’ve learned some methods to get into the zone. To help you out, we’ve …

Coordinating Time Zones

In the Zone: Coordinating Communication Around the World

Working with others is always full of its ups and downs. Coordinating different schedules and commitments can make it tricky to find a meeting time that works for everyone. But add in divergent time zones and you’re in for a real ride! As you deal with colleagues and partners around the globe, you’ll run into the issue of wildly disparate …